Alcohol ‘damaging gay community’
The use of alcohol poses more harm than the use of illicit drugs, experts have said. And while drugs make headlines almost every day, alcohol is largely ignored.
ACON’s Alcohol and Other Drugs program manager Nicky Bath said alcohol has long played a major role in the lives of gay and lesbian community members.
“One reason for this is the centrality of bars and clubs as meeting places,” she said.
Alex Day, spokesman for support group Come Out, said young people in particular access the gay and lesbian scene through drinking establishments.
“Once they get into the bars and clubs, a lot of them get stuck and then don’t know how to change their lifestyle,” he said.
“A couple of our members are doing 12-step programs, and we have one person in long-term rehab at the moment, and again, it’s because of alcohol abuse.”
Day said Come Out meetings are often held at alternative venues, but at the end of the day “pubs and clubs are free, whereas a community hall will charge you a fee”.
Bath said while alcohol in itself creates immense problems, when mixed with illicit drugs it is extremely deadly. She said two of the main drug combinations used by people who present to emergency rooms are ecstasy mixed with alcohol, and GHB mixed with alcohol.
Bath acknowledged that the rate of alcohol consumption in the gay and lesbian community was very high, but said a drinking culture was also prevalent in the general community.
“So while it is definitely an issue in our community, drinking is still an issue for everyone.”