GLBTI carers to have their say
Carers NSW would like to speak to members of the GLBTI community who care for a family member or friend with a disability, mental or physical illness, drug or alcohol dependency or are frail.
The organisation surveys carers in NSW every second year to inform their policy, and this survey will help devise the group’s strategy for the next state election and 2011-2012 state budget submission.
Carers NSW are particularly looking to include carers who do not access formal services, or have not previously recognised the support that they give to a loved one as a carer role.
As part of the survey a focus group consultation with GLBTI people who are carers is to be held to find out what they think are the most important issues for them in their caring roles and what sort of services and support they would like to have to help them out – as well as any special needs of GLBTI carers.
The consultation is on July 28 from 10-11.30am on Level 18, 24 Campbell Street, Sydney. Participants will receive a $40 gift voucher.
To take part contact Carin Bertmar at [email protected] or 9280 4744.