MPs join masses for 2009 NDA

MPs join masses for 2009 NDA

Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore will join with Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon to take part in this year’s National Day of Action on August 1.
Starting with a rally on the steps of Town Hall and culminating in a mass illegal wedding outside the Labor Party’s national conference, the day is expected to draw hundreds of couples intent on pressuring the ALP to allow same-sex marriages.
Moore and Rhiannon, who have both previously expressed support for same-sex marriage reform, will speak on the day.
There is a glaring omission from the suite of same-sex law reform passed by the federal Government recently, Rhiannon said.
Labor and the Coalition still refuse to support same-sex marriage so Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has introduced into the Senate a private member’s bill to end this discrimination. We can’t wait any longer for equality.

info: The National Day of Action will take place on August 1, from noon outside Sydney Town Hall.

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