Out Quotes
What will people think when they see male soldiers of the British Army spanking each other? It gets even worse when you see one of them grabbing his colleague’s willy.
-” A member of the Queen’s Scots Guards, known for their erect and stiff disposition at the Buckingham Palace gates, was furious at four colleagues caught on film almost wearing their famous bearskin-helmed uniform in a horseplay session, from The Sun newspaper.
George handcuffed me to a hook by the bed as they held me down. It’s ironic that his biggest hit was Do You Really Want To Hurt Me? -“ because I’m sure he really did want to hurt me. I was convinced I was going to die.
-” A Norwegian male escort Auden Carlsen recounted his alleged night with Boy George to British newspaper The Sun, claiming he was hired by the singer for photographic modelling. Police are still investigating the false imprisonment and common assault claims.
The motive of my campaigning is love. I love other people. I love justice. Much of my inspiration comes from Mahatma Gandhi, the Suffragettes, and Martin Luther King.
-” Infamous British gay activist Peter Tatchell stops short of comparing himself to Jesus in an interview with The Guardian.
[Your email] was identified by our content filtering processes as containing language that may be considered inappropriate for business-like communication.
-” New Zealand Telecom’s automated reply to an email from Gay Hamilton took exception to the woman’s name, and went on to threaten disciplinary action for repeated use of the word gay in her correspondence, as reported in NZ’s Herald On Sunday.