Out Quotes

Out Quotes

I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle -¦ I point the finger in their face and say, -˜You helped this happen.’

-” In memory of Jerry Falwell who died yesterday, we revisit his famous accusation of who was to blame for the World Trade Centre terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001. From the 13 September 2001 edition of The 700 club.

We have found incriminating stuff before, pictures of people cross-dressing and the like.

-” The City of Sydney’s waste education coordinator, Michael Neville, expands the definition of incriminating in The Sydney Morning Herald.

At times, their routine resembled liturgical dancing. At others, it seemed to be a slow-motion lesbian porn film.

-” BBC entertainment journalist Mark Savage analyses the themes in the dance routine of Serbian Eurovision Song Contest winner Marija Serifovic and her backing troupe of booted and suited blond beauties.

It is my long-held belief that every human being deserves dignity and respect. The nation’s commitment to human rights requires that lawmakers revisit -˜Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’, the current policy that prevents lesbians, gays and bisexuals from serving openly in our armed forces.

-” Former US president Jimmy Carter sticks up for the band of retired generals in a statement on the Service Members Defence League website, which represents gay and lesbian servicepeople.

The gay community is really upset about this -¦ we’ve got enough sex-on-premises sites.

-” St Kilda resident Chris Lakey, quoted in the Port Phillip Leader, provides validity to the increasingly hysterical reporting of gay and HIV issues in Melbourne.

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