Running at the front of the pack

Running at the front of the pack

If you are looking for a little bit of endurance and you want to push yourself that extra mile, Sydney Frontrunners is the place to go.
The largest gay and lesbian sporting network group in Australia, Frontrunners comprises people of all age groups and abilities, with a group in almost every Australian state and even some international chapters.
Group secretary Wayne Morgan said Frontrunners was a great way to stay fit.
“It is excellent for people wanting to stay healthy and it is a cheap sport,” he said.
“We are open to everyone and all abilities.”
Morgan said there was also a social side to the group to give members other ways to interact. These include dinner and movie nights.
Since it started 24 years ago, Frontrunners has had some great success stories. Members of the group have competed very successfully in the Gay Games, especially in the Chicago Gay Games in 2006.
“Quite a few girls in the group are very successful athletes,” Morgan said.
“More girls are even in the iron man categories than guys.”
Morgan said becoming a member of the Sydney Frontrunners was easy. The group has its own uniform and the membership, which costs $55, comes with insurance as well as opportunities to travel.
For more information visit

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