Tasmania steps forward on marriage

Tasmania steps forward on marriage

Tasmania’s gay and lesbian community has welcomed the passing of state legislation which now sees the state able to recognise overseas same-sex marriages and civil partnerships.

Last week the Tasmanian Upper House passed an amendment to the state’s Relationships Act which will now allow couples from overseas and interstate to be automatically recognised as partners in a Tasmanian Deed of Relationship.

Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group spokesman Rodney Croome said the change will provide same-sex couples with greater legal security if moving to Tasmania.

“Couples in interstate and overseas unions should not have to re-register their relationship in order to secure the legal rights and protections most other couples take for granted,” Croome said.

The federal Government has so far staunchly opposed recognising same-sex marriages entered into overseas.

Before the August election the Gillard Government also opposed loosening restrictions around issuing required documentation required for Australians to marry same-sex partners abroad.

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One response to “Tasmania steps forward on marriage”

  1. “Moving Forward” hey Julia Gillard, well at least in Tasmania that is what exactly they are doing, but your not at a federal level because your just a puppet of the Labor party!!!!!!