When an ex is not really an ex

When an ex is not really an ex

The other day while watching some awful late-night TV, my boyfriend turns to me and says, “Pete is coming back from China. We should all have dinner together next week.”

It could be an innocent statement, but Pete is an ex who moved to China for work. Now he’s back: is it because the work dried up or is it to finish what was started?

In every relationship you have your friends and your partner has theirs. But what happens when one of their friends is an ex? Should you be worried? Or more importantly, how can this happen?

Looking back on all my miscalculations of romance, I don’t think a friendship could have blossomed. But that’s me. Not him. He has solved this equation and has a friendship with someone whom he once shared intimate moments with. And it’s up to me to deal with it.

So I am now faced with this situation of meeting the friendly ex, who up until recently was living overseas. I had no problem with that. Another state or country, the friendly ex was nowhere near me, my man or my relationship. Not any more.

Although I trust my guy, if you are like me – slightly paranoid – about your partner spending time with their ex then you should put your worries to rest by meeting them, or having dinner with them.

Then you will put your mind at ease and may even become friends with them too.

You trust your man and he’s with you now, not them, so you’ve already won and the ex can’t compete with that.

Otherwise keep your eyes peeled and if the ex seems suss, set him up with one of your annoying single friends.

From bnews – www.bnews.net.au

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