Abbott’s inconvenient family truth

Abbott’s inconvenient family truth

It was wishful thinking to believe Opposition leader Tony Abbott would shift his views on same-sex marriage following the (public) news his sister, Christine Forster, is in a same-sex relationship.

Shortly after the story broke, he stamped on any suggestion he or the Coalition may soften their position. His excuse was pretty neat — because we said so — but for how long does this line cover for the fact that his stance directly denies his sibling the right to marry the person she loves?

Abbott’s response certainly doesn’t come as a shock. It was only two years ago he said in a television interview he was “threatened” by homosexuality, later apologising for his poor choice of words. Forster’s outing on the weekend reveals that at that time, he was already well aware of his sister’s sexuality.

Part of the frustration felt with Abbott’s stance on same-sex marriage particularly is that he never really offers much in the way of the actual reasons he is opposed to change, just that he is.

Perhaps he’s decided being open about the fact that his Catholic faith plays a part would not go down well in the electorate.

Elsewhere we hear many stories of parents or family members who’ve overcome anti-gay views when their children tell them they are gay. Suddenly the situation is real and the victim of discrimination has a familiar face.

It’s often said the private citizen holds different views from the public politician. In Abbott’s case, I’ve no doubt (unlike other political leaders) his opposition to marriage eqaualty is real.

Sometimes, no matter what the circumstances, you can’t convince everyone.

Transformation is possible. Former Liberal premier Jeff Kennett’s recent turnaround on gay issues as chair of beyondblue is one such example. I hope I’m proven wrong, but it’s unlikely we’ll ever see the same with Abbott as long as he leads the Coalition.

Perhaps down the track we’ll see Abbott mirror the moves of former US vice president Dick Cheney, who has a lesbian daughter. Once Cheney was safely out of the White House, he put his weight behind the same-sex marriage cause.

This is of little help to those who want change now. Whether Abbott changes his mind on marriage or not, it certainly won’t be the last time he will have to justify his position. Nor should it be.

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5 responses to “Abbott’s inconvenient family truth”

  1. Bill/Brendan, don’t you think he was just the teeniest bit cute in his budgy-smugglers?

  2. Unfortunately, people like Tony Abbott and Bob Katter make it very easy for your average citizen to take exactly the same “I’m-threatened-by-homosexuals” position, also without any sort of rational consideration or reasoning.

    At least Christian Democrat Peter Madden has reasons, even if they are hopelessly, hideously ill-informed.

  3. That’s stupid, Abbot is no more gay than I have ever been straight. He’s just toe-ing the party line like Julia

  4. Abbott’s not gay, but he does have an obsession with men: himself. He’s the love of his life.

  5. Abbottt will never change his mind because he’s in denial of his own homosexuality. Allowing gay people dignity would be an admission of this.