Not funny

Not funny

When I was growing up I was lucky not to have too much trouble at school, plodding along with a group of friends who watched each others backs. But I have heard some terrible stories of gay boys and girls being tortured at school, scared to walk home by themselves and in worst-case scenarios contemplating drastic measures.

Bullying seems to still be around with governments trying to implement measures to ensure children are safe from those who pick on those who are different.

One would hope that not only schools are learning but bullies are being stamped out from all of society.
I don’t listen to much radio, but when I do, I switch on to TODAY FM. One program features Kyle and Jackie O and the very public Geoff the gay newsreader.

At first I was excited to hear Geoff was part of the show, showing young Australia that gays and lesbians are everywhere, but the more I listen to the program the more confused and angry I get. Geoff is constantly picked on and set up for falls, regularly the butt of jokes. He is ripped down every chance the other two presenters have.

Is it part of the joke to put someone down or make them look stupid publicly? As soon as you say -˜gay’, does that make the world think you’re an easy target? With such a young station demographic, is it fair to be putting someone down like this?

I’m drawn to the conclusion that the schoolyard bully has continued his work after school and straight into the workplace, masking it as just a bit of fun with no harm coming from it.

The listener is aware of how uncomfortable Geoff feels about constant references to anal sex. Because he keeps coming back does that make it OK? We have just seen television adverts that make him look silly. Making someone look small -” is that supposed to be funny?

From cakes in the face to photographs splashed across the internet of the semi-naked newsreader to actively trying to get him drunk so he can be marched out of the studio the next day is not OK.

I’m sure there is some agreement by both parties off-air but the image portrayed to the listeners is not a positive one. So many impressionable people listen to the show, one would hope you consider this before your next -˜joke’.

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