There are kids in Africa

There are kids in Africa

The -˜Restaurant closed’ sign swung to a dizzy stop over my shoulder.  The boys had finally eaten the dinner they had orchestrated through me, their personal short-order cook.

First they told me they didn’t want fish, that they don’t like potato, prefer broccoli to corn and finally dessert yoghurt in lieu of all the above.

My youngest will eat anything, yet is instantly thrown off track when his brother announces they don’t like whatever is in front of them and will need to see another menu.

When the final scrape lands in the bin, I start, There are kids starving in Africa that…  but then stop myself.

I want my children to be aware of their world and awake to their own comfortable situation.  Not to make them feel guilty or unworthy, instead to teach them awareness and to be generous in heart and mind.

Way before this recent tragedy in Victoria, I used to ask myself Do we all do enough?  I’ve had numerous conversations with friends and family about this -˜charity business’ which of course includes enticing debate about Madonna in Malawi.

There are people who quietly contribute to other people’s lives and there are certain people who want to create awareness using their celebrity.  Either way, I don’t mind.  Awareness can bring about change.

Charity doesn’t have to follow a disaster or be in the organised form. It can be helping a neighbour carry something from their car, it can be throwing a dollar to the local disadvantaged, it can be participating in a fun run, heck, it can even be buying a beer for the cutest guy in the bar.

In the Little Oxford Dictionary on my desk -˜charity’ also means love of fellow men.  Ahem, I guess we are all charity workers.  With what goal in mind I have no idea, but as long as we love each other and give and receive, then we are on the right path.

For me, I’m going to get the boys more involved in programs that get them to help, share and act for those in less fortunate places, to help them grow spiritually.  And as long as they can hold a note to Like a Prayer at the same time, I’ll be happy.

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