Time to say something

Time to say something

A huge thank you to everyone that performed, watched, helped out and donated at the first CabaRed fundraiser for AIDS Awareness Week this year, it was a resounding success and it’s a tribute to our community that you came out in droves to support what turned out to be a great night.

For those that couldn’t make it, look out for future shows, because if this year was anything to go by, tickets for what we hope will become an annual event are going to be in high demand!

Even though it is still 2010, if you haven’t started already, it’s time to start thinking about Mardi Gras. To this end, The Illawarra Mardi Gras Float co-ordinated by Illawarra Rising through The Phoenix Theatre has started getting together ideas for what to bring to the party next year.

With an overall approach of “get up and say something” with the hope of encouraging more community involvement this year, the Illawarra theme should prove to be a lot of tongue in cheek fun, with a serious note. Stay tuned for details on when float meetings will be held in the lead-up to the parade!

Come out Illawarra is still happening, with monthly meetings on the second Sunday of the month at Hideaway Café in Wollongong from 11:30am. With the festive season upon us, the next meeting will be on January 9, which will be a great chance for a catch up after Christmas and New Years, as well as a good opportunity for people to come out and help plan activities for 2011.

And finally for this edition, ACON Illawarra would like to extend a warm welcome to Suin, our new Volunteer Counselling Officer, who will be working to build a new-styled counselling service to suit the needs of the southern region. More info will follow on this service as it gets up and running.

Take care, have fun, and play safe.

info: If you require any additional information about groups, services or organisations in the Southern Region you can contact ACON on 4226 1163 or email [email protected]

Trevor Slattery is the Education and Community Development Officer at ACON’s Illawarra Branch.

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