Darebin Libraries presents a free screening of Brazilian coming-of-age film Alice Júnior (2019) at their Free Summer Film Festival. Directed by Gil Baroni, the film follows Alice (Anna Celestina Mota), a “spirited and charismatic trans teenager” who has just moved from the big city to a quiet and conservative small town. Alice starts at the local catholic school, where she meets the handsome Bruno and his prickly but intriguing girlfriend Taísa, and what could so easily have been a classic teen movie ensues, but this story is nothing but new, joyful and unabashedly unique. With the sequel just announced in October 2023, don’t miss this opportunity to fall in love with Alice Júnior before her story continues in Alice Júnior 2!
When: January 24, 2024, 2 – 3.30pm
Where: Northcote Library, 32-38 Separation Street, Northcote
Tickets: Free, bookings required
Accessibility: Northcote Library is wheelchair accessible.
**This film is rated M and is not recommended for children under the age of 15**