Transgender Day of Visibility: Celebrating Gender Diverse Identities Across Australia

Transgender Day of Visibility: Celebrating Gender Diverse Identities Across Australia
Image: Image: Unsplash

The Transgender Day of Visibility arrives this week, with celebrations inviting all to acknowledge and highlight gender-diverse identities.

Taking place on March 31, the Trans Day of Visibility is specially reserved to highlight trans and gender non-conforming individuals who normally lack “representation, role models, and community” in wider society.

Reclaiming Space and Being Visible On Our Terms

“Trans Day of Visibility is a day of pride and celebration for gender diverse identity, achievements, and community, an annual international celebration of trans pride and awareness,” writes the official Australian Trans Day of Visibility website.

“For a community that is too often underrepresented, [the Trans Day of Visibility] is about reclaiming space and being visible on our terms.”

Celebrated globally, the Trans Day of Visibility is separate from the Trans Day of Remembrance, a day of mourning, and was explicitly created to acknowledge and celebrate living members of the transgender and gender-diverse community.

For over 14 years, the day has brought life, celebration, and representation to the forefront, inspiring solidarity and ultimately bringing our diverse communities closer together.

Further information and resources on the Trans Day of Visibility can be found on the TDOV website.

Check out our What’s On page for events happening on the day.

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