A Positive Attitude To Ageing As A Gay Man

A Positive Attitude To Ageing As A Gay Man
Image: Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash

“I am not the sum of my histories. I am a collection of my possibilities.”

This sage advice neatly sums up my recent experiences with other older men. 

After retirement, and especially reaching the age of seventy, men seem to divide into two different streams. 

Some seemingly decide that life has become dull, and dormant, and they continue to live in the memory of past glories. Of continuing friendships but only with ex-work colleagues. Of past sporting achievements. Of no active sex life, and now in a succession of medical appointments, fear of change and other such end-of-life scenarios.

Negativity surrounds them, both in attitude and action. It is a life centred on them and their perceived needs. Consequently, they become boring people.

Embracing Each Day

By contrast, other men embrace each day with an enthusiastic fervour, knowing that by the time they hit their grave, they will have lived a full life right to the last moment. They are the ones who actively seek to keep their sex life meaningful, who willingly look for potential new friends, who join clubs, take that daily exercise walk, or do the gym routine, and mentor younger people in skills, manners, and knowledge.

They say ‘yes’ to invitations that might sound challenging, seek opportunities to tick more items off the Bucket List – and live for the day.

These men have enthusiasm. And as humans, we are attracted to energy. Consequently, they attract other people who enjoy being in their company. Sure, they have medical issues like all of us, but they also have the attitude of making the best of it.

It simply means they might not be able to do everything they were once able to do. That goes for all of us, but these guys smile, take a deep breath, and press on with living. Happiness is about attitude – both your own and those you mix with.

A Positive Attitude Is Infectious

To which group do you belong? And which group attracts you?

Positive and negative attitudes play a huge part in our lives, and my own experience suggests that negativity brings all those associated with it to a dull, depressed level. Whereas a positive attitude is infectious – it gives inspiration, the energy required to overcome inertia, and the lightness of heart to follow through. 

Therefore, show me your energy, and let’s go and share the day. I am also happy to arrive at the grave exhausted.


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