Call for review of psychiatrist’s role

Call for review of psychiatrist’s role

The Victorian Greens have called for the state’s mental health minister to review Professor Kuruvilla George’s position as deputy chief psychiatrist.

George stood down from the Victorian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission board earlier this week after it was discovered he was a signatory to a controversial anti-gay Senate submission by Doctors for the Family, which warned marriage equality could potentially lead to increased HIV rates by “normalising” same-sex sexual activity.

Greens MP and spokeswoman on justice and LGBTI issues Sue Pennicuik (pictured) has written to Liberal MP Mary Wooldridge to ask her whether the views of the group Doctors for the Family are compatible with the role of the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist.

“The views of Doctors for the Family are out of step with the position of professional bodies such as the Australian Medical Association, the Australian Psychological Society and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists,” she said.

“Under section 105 the Mental Health Act 1986, the chief psychiatrist is responsible for the medical care and welfare of persons receiving treatment or care for a mental illness.

“The role of the deputy chief psychiatrist is not spelt out in the Act but the chief psychiatrist can delegate to a qualified psychiatrist appointed under section 95 any power, duty or function of the chief psychiatrist other than the power of delegation.”

Pennicuik also stressed that it was important that every person under the care of the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist receives care and treatment that is based on sound medical evidence, not discriminatory beliefs.

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3 responses to “Call for review of psychiatrist’s role”

  1. As a public mental health consumer… I will be signing that for sure and stating my case. Since homosexuality was removed from the DSM as being an illness or unnatural in the 70’s, such beliefs as Dr George’s do not belong in such as trusted office as the Chief Psychiatrist’s.

  2. I simply do not care what his view on marriage is, I care about putting your name to material that professional groups regard as pseudo-science, that has even been called a piece of hate by some professionals, and that has greatly damaged the office of Chief Psychiatrist. This is the Doctor who represents Victoria at conferences on depression and anxiety, who advices governments and government departments on the treatment of GLBTI citizens.

    For some families, there is the immense sadness of an empty chair at the table. There are sad stories of people who still serve the extra plate of food. Peter Ryan and Robert Clark are fanatical supporters of Dr George, but I want them to be fanatical supporters of evidence based medicine, of the latest research that medical associations agree upon, or I want the Liberal and National Party to move against them, for the sake of those with the empty chair.