DADT repeal passes final hurdle

DADT repeal passes final hurdle

A bill allowing gay and lesbian members of the US military to serve openly has been passed by the US Senate in a vote of 65-31.

The legislation was passed around 3pm on Saturday, US time.

The bill will become law when it is signed into law by President Barack Obama.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs has announced this will occur next week.

Ending the Clinton era ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy was one of a number of promises that Obama made to GLBT Democratic supporters when running for President.

In an email to supporters following the vote, President Obama wrote, “Gay and lesbian service members, brave Americans who enable our freedoms, will no longer have to hide who they are.”

“The fight for civil rights, a struggle that continues, will no longer include this one.”

However in practice the US Department of Defence will phase the policy out over the coming months.

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