Feel the flow

Feel the flow

If you’re interested in experiencing the movement of energy that can lead to more intense sex, full body orgasms and altered states of consciousness, you’ll need to learn to open up the body’s chakras and energy pathways first.

Chakras are spinning spirals of energy located within seven main areas of the body. Working like psychic organs, it’s their purpose to create, store and circulate energy. Each chakra is associated with a colour, sound and vibrational frequency, and each is also connected to particular emotional issues.

The next stop in our tour of the body’s energy centres is the second of the body’s chakras — the sacral chakra. Located just below the navel, this is the most important chakra for maintaining healthy sexual functioning. Connecting us to our sexuality, creativity, sensuality and emotions, it controls feelings and desires.

Physically, the sacral chakra regulates the ovaries and uterus, testes and prostate, lower intestine and bladder. Any kind of disorder or imbalance in these areas could be connected to an imbalance or blockage in this chakra.

When this chakra is balanced and open, we’re better able to connect to our feelings, more fulfilled sexually, able to accept change and more creative. But if you’re feeling frustrated in these areas of life, try working on this chakra. Some things you can do to nourish this area include talking about sex to release shame or psychological blockages, belly dancing, massage, meditation and exercises to strengthen your sex muscles.

Orgasms begin from the prostate and perineum, so strengthening your PC muscle (found between genitals and anus) can strengthen erections, intensify orgasms and also help you to separate orgasm from ejaculation. More on that in future columns.

Here’s a way to test the strength of your PC muscle. When you’re about to urinate, stand on the toes and balls of your feet, then take a deep breath in and begin to pee as you slowly exhale. Then mid-stream, inhale and squeeze your pelvic floor muscles to stop the flow. Exhale and continue peeing. Try and repeat a few times until you’ve finished. If you find this difficult, you have a weak pelvic floor. But practice this or any other of the many PC exercises regularly and you’ll soon start to gain better control over this area, and a more balanced sacral chakra too.

info: Experience tantric massage with Between The Sheets columnist Tantraguy. Visit www.gaydar.com.au/…..tantraguy for more info.

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