Gay dads meet tonight

Gay dads meet tonight

While men married to the woman who bear their children are legally recognised, and legally responsible as the father of those children.
For gay men the situation is less clear. International surrogacy may put your name on the birth certificate but will the law recognise you as daddy?
Even when you are legally recognised as the father, going through divorce and coming out can make being a dad a lot, lot harder. Do you maintain your rights and obligations as a dad?
Co-parenting is a popular solution for many gay men and (gay and straight) women to become parents but who does the law recognise as a parent and what can you do about it?
If your partner is a dad, does the recognition of same-sex defacto relationships make you legally a ‘defacto-dad’? What impact does your partner having children have on you?
Being a dad is a wonderful experience, a lifelong commitment, a blessing and a challenge. It is not for eveyone and not always easy.
Understanding your legal status is part of the process, and there has been a significant amount of change in the last few years.
info: GayDadsNSW will have Paul Boers and Eva Karagiannis talking over the various legal aspects of being a dad in NSW at its information night on October 20 at the Aurora Room, 1st Floor, 45 Bedford St, Newtown, from 7pm.

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One response to “Gay dads meet tonight”

  1. Why in 2009 both adoption and surrogacy are still not legally provided to same-sex couples????? Come on Nathan Rees allow both of these or else we will kick you out of Office in March 2011!!!!!