Massive global response to LGBT census

Massive global response to LGBT census

A grassroots LGBT census founded in Atlanta, Georgia, and launched on February 1 this year, is now capturing the voices of LGBTQI individuals from 14 countries, including Australia.

Australia, the US, the UK, Israel and South Africa are currently leading in census responses.

“Taking into consideration we only started 13 days ago, the response has been absolutely amazing,” said census founder Terrance Luckett.

“We have inquiries coming in from around the world.”

Notably, the census has received overwhelming enthusiasm in Puerto Rico. Through a partnership with a leading LGBT web information source on the island and wider media coverage from several news media agencies, there’s been wide-spread attention to the census, spawning more than 500 census voices within 24 hours.

“Through the voice of millions around the world, we come together in one unified voice that says, ʻThis is who we are. We are diverse. We stand together,ʼ” Luckett said.

“This has never been done before and will ultimately serve a greater good around the world.”

The census aims to provide data insights and reports to non-profit organisations that contribute to the advancement of LGBT equality, support news media with data insights, provide a community resource that gives individuals the ability to see how we all share a common bond, and provide a resource for local governments seeking to build support for legislation that includes positive policies for LGBTQI people.

Other countries currently included in the census are Canada, India, Jamaica, New Zealand, The Philippines, Singapore and South Africa.

Expansion into Latin America and Spain are planned for mid-March and further expansion is under consideration.

The expansion means the census will be extended an additional three months through the end of August.

Topics within the census include general demographic, quality of life, education, financial health, professional life, employment, dating, love and relationships, and health.

For reference purposes, the entire census is available for download as a PDF on the official website under the heading ‘Media Information’.

It takes between 10-15 minutes to complete the census.

The census is a privately funded research initiative by a small group of LGBT activists and is actively pursuing partnering and supporting relationships with other organisations to help bring additional awareness and voices to the census.


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