Diversity in health

Diversity in health

ACON Community Development officer John Wang will be presenting a paper entitled ConversAsians -“ addressing Asian gay men’s health through peer education, at the upcoming Diversity in Health Conference.

Held at the Convention Centre in Darling Harbour from 10-12 March, the conference will cover a diverse range of health and treatment issues, from aged care to working with refugee families and multi cultural outreach programs.

John Wang will be discussing ACON’s Asian Project which has been working to assist the physical, mental and sexual health of Asian gay and bisexual men through increasing community dialogue.

The workshop, to be held on the Monday, will showcase ConversAsians as a model for working with gay and bisexual Asian men, that could be adopted by other. Participants will be guided methods for program development, as well as activities and practical experience opportunities.

Diversity in health conference, http://www.dhi.gov.au/conference/. 3 day registration $409, 1 day $247.

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