Gay venues donate to National Party

Gay venues donate to National Party

Two gay venues attended a $1500-a-seat lunch put on by the NSW Nationals in April to meet with the NSW Opposition Hospitality, Tourism, Racing and Events spokesman George Souris.

Dr Norman Thompson of the Greens’ Democracy4Sale project came across donations in the names of Stonewall and Arq to the Nationals while reviewing returns.

No gay venues contributed to the ALP during the period. The NSW Greens do not accept donations from organisations.

A number of NSW Nationals have a record of supporting gay rights, but a majority do not. Both Souris and Nationals leader Andrew Stoner voted against same-sex adoption last month and opposed equalising the age of consent in 2003.

Arq would not comment on the luncheon however Stonewall licencee Craig Bell told Sydney Star Observer the Nationals platform on gay issues had not been a consideration in attending the event.

“We had our business absolutely decimated by a decision made by Premier Nathan Rees with the 2am lockout and with inferior consultation,” Bell said.

“We got an opportunity, along with other hoteliers, to have a lunch meeting with the shadow minister for liquor, gaming and racing.”

Bell said it was vital for businesses to know what plans parties had that affected them and that he had met with ministers, shadow ministers and independents over the years.

Greens MLC Dr John Kaye said it was reasonable for businesses to meet with politicians, but should not be paying for access.

“The Greens believe that a business should have access in the same way that a community group, NGO or other organisation has, and that it is vitally important that constituents have free and ready access to their elected representatives,” he said.

“[But] paying for access to parliamentary decision makers undermines equitable access to democracy. It is a sad indictment on the contemporary democratic processes that payment for access is seen as an acceptable part of the democratic system.

“It is disappointing that businesses see the need to behave in this way, especially with political groups that have been less than enthusiastic about supporting the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.”

NSW Nationals director Ben Franklin said events like the luncheon were common on both sides of politics.

“This was a small event with only five businesses purchasing tickets to attend,” Franklin said. “They allow engagement between key stakeholders and decision makers on public policy.”

Franklin said the Coalition was committed to providing a safe environment for all licenced premises to operate in — including those that catered to the gay community.

But he could not name a Nationals policy that was specifically supportive of gays and lesbians.

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20 responses to “Gay venues donate to National Party”

  1. As I said, people in our democratic country are free to donate and speak to any party they wish to. If it does not suit your left wing agenda then you need to accept other peoples opinions. I hope you all watch David Graham on Australian story and the gay support he got from the Nationals. People that vote Greens are ex Labor voters to scared to vote labor to avoid getting blood on their hands.

  2. A little sanity to these blogs…

    1. Stonewall and Arq could have met with Shadow Minister for Liquor, George Souris, without attending Party fundraisers. (That is what an open door is all about, Marcus!).

    2. The record of the NSW National Party leadership on gay and lesbian issues has improved from appalling to disgraceful. Most recently, just THREE National party members supported the Adoption Bill in the House of Representatives.

    3. In the adoption debate, Andrew Stoner, the LEADER of the National Party approvingly quoted NARTH, the American organisation that says homosexuality can be cured through therapy (Marcus, as your are a National Party employee,I am sure Stoner will give you leave – without pay – to get yourself cured)

    4. Rudd promised to implement the Human Rights Commission report on discrimination against gays and lesbians while still Opposition Leader. He passed those reforms within 12 months of becoming Prime Minister. It was the first gay and lesbian law reform passed federally since 1992 when Keating recognised gays and lesbians in the military.

    5. No doubt Warren Entsch from Queensland has been a supporter – but he stood as a Liberal, not a National party member.

  3. @rob1966, like what exactly?

    In any case I use to support labour, but I’m with the Greens now, their stance on the LGTBI community has always been staunch.

  4. To those criticising the National and Liberal Parties, it is worthwhile noting that in relation to the current same-sex marriage debate both of those parties are allowing their members a conscience vote – and both parties include a significant number of MPs who believe that same-sex marriage should be allowed.

    On the other hand, Labor – who so many on here sing the praises of – has clearly stated that its members will be obliged to vote along party lines, and the party position is that “marriage is between a man and a woman”.

    I ask you – which parties do you think are more likely to show us support?

    It is alos worth noting that many of the homosexual legal reforms in this country happened under the guidance and with the support of Liberal and National Party MPs.

  5. Marcus, I notice that you didn’t actually say what the National Party has actually done for gay people in terms of legislative initiatives other than allude to a campaign on behalf of legal drug dealers to keep their doors open longer.

    To say the National Party with its record is not homophobic is ridiculous beyond belief and actually a slap in the face for many Nationals who are proudly anti-gay and supported the Coalition’s legislation re: same-sex marriage in 2004. I suppose the Christian Democrats are not homophobic either and it’s mad lefties who are discrediting them.

    I am not a member of any political party and do believe in lobbying all sides of politics – even parties I detest to get the best outcome for gay people. However, that doesn’t mean I’ll call black white or deny homophobia where it is blatantly rife.

  6. PS during the election Julila Gillard said ‘my personal view’ is that gay marriage is wrong.

  7. You people should spread your unfounded hatred elsewhere before mouthing off about the National Party that you obviously know nothing about. Google Russell Turner MP in Orange and you might learn a few things. You all say what has the National Party ever done for the gay community? Well what has Labor done? The only thing Labor did was recognize gay relationships purely to save money on pensions. The National party are NOT homophobic. I should know because I work for them and so do many other gay people. The venues donating money to the Nationals is because George Souris is the Opposition Minister for Liquor and Gaming and just happens to be with the Nationals. It is an open door, unlike Labors closed door policy. It is part of a large fight to save venues from becoming non existent under harsh Labor legislation that is about to come into effect. Do you want your pubs to close at midnight? In a democracy, people are free to support and donate money to whoever they want to, whether is suits your left wing agenda or not. Rudd is a homophobe and I did not notice anyone whingeing when pubs donated hundreds of thousands to the Labor Party, or was that not newsworthy?

  8. Dave, unfortunately you are right. Such a sad comment on our society. Money speaks, and our gay venues listen. What next?

  9. I hate the National Party but in the real world of politics you have to put money on the table to get the major political parties to listen. To think politicians care about doing the right thing is fiction. They care only about who is giving money.

  10. Instead of giving money to the Nats, or any other political party, perhaps Arq and Stonewall could give money to a community group that’s working 100% (not just a couple of members) for LGBTI rights. Until they do, I’m boycotting both.

  11. Money we spend at gay hotels and clubs going to the National party?? The nationals will use it to campaign against greens and labor candidates in NSW next year who do work for our rights. Shame on Stonewall and Arq!!

  12. Come on, Anthony. Chris is right. The libs and nats basically do sweet FA for us.

    And Ghassan, it isn’t correct that “quite a lot of the Nationals have supported gay rights in parliament”. Maybe two out of 13 MPs in NSW Parliament at times, but that isn’t what I call quite a lot. Usually the only one who supports us has a gay son – and good on him to do it.

    But our money shouldn’t be going to a political party for the next election campaign that has little or no respect for us!

  13. Anthony..SO you are playing the apologist for the conservatives eh mate? The coalition did sweet FA to advance equity in financial and social matters in their decade or more in power federally! I repeat sweet FA. A gay or lesbian person who supports the liberal/nationals is a traitor to our community and has to be inherently self loathing and /or has absolutley no social conscience. Shameful!

  14. “outrageous and comtemptable”? “Rabidly homophobic”? “the nazi party”? “Jesus wept”? I think a few people need to broaden their horizons beyond the inner city ghetto.

    While there are some in the National Party who are less than ideal, there are also others who are among our strongest supporters. If we look to encourage progressive National Party members, rather than alienating them, then we are much more likely to achieve equality.

    A case in point- look to Far North Queensland. Liberal-National MP Warren Entsch is one of our staunchest allies (google “Redneck with a Pink Agenda” for details). As the coalition whip, he is in a good position to advocate a progressive position.

    Alternatively, look to Western Australia. The leader of the National Party in Western Australia began his inaugural speech to parliament with the words:

    “I enter this House in a new era of understanding and respect for those members of our community whom
    the mainstream perceives to be different. I applaud this new understanding. … I was brought up in a conservative household, but I was always challenged to open my heart and mind to things to which I was not accustomed. As a new member of Parliament I open my heart and mind to the gay and lesbian members of our community … I applaud their fortitude and belief that one day they would achieve the equality they felt they deserved.”

    As the leader of the National Party in Western Australia he was part of the push that changed the WA National Party policy to one of supporting civil unions.

    We should be looking to harness supporters such as these, and working to win over their colleagues. We are undermining the fight if we resort to “nazi party” attacks and constantly send the signal that our votes are rusted on to one side of politics.

  15. Actually, as the article quite rightly points out, quite a lot of the Nationals have supported gay rights in parliament – quite prominently and passionately. Unfortunately, neither Souris nor Stoner were one of them – despite Souris actually having a very large gay community in his electorate (out Lismore-way).

    If the Libs/Nats are going to continue adopting conscience votes on gay issues, then my personal view is it’s probably better to make a decision on who to vote for (if you are in one of their electorates) based on their individual voting record rather than their record as a party.

  16. So Arq and Stonewall financially support the people that actively belittles and humiliate their patrons…jesus wept…

  17. Gay businesses have no reason to be loyal to gay wage-earners or gay unemployed. They’re businesses and if the Coalition promises them more profits under an Abbott Government then of course they’ll donate to the Nationals or Liberals. Money is their driving factor and gay patrons are simply ways of making loads of dosh.

    I’ve known several gay men who openly admitted to voting for John Howard and at least one who voted for Pauline Hanson. Gays can be as racist and narrow-minded as any heterosexual.

  18. WTF!!!!!ARQ and Stonewall owners pay $1500 each to sit at a lunch supporting the rabidly Homophobic National Party!!!
    This is outrageous and contemptable…akin to a jewish person making donations in support of the nazi party.

    Arq and Stonewall have a lot of explaining to do !!!!!