HIV: no barrier to love or lust

HIV: no barrier to love or lust
Image: Image: Positive Life NSW.

HIV Difference? asks the question, ‘Why let HIV get in the way of a good relationship?’ and takes up the evolving story of HIV, sex, health, and love in today’s world, where over half of people living with HIV in Australia are in a HIV-different relationship (where one partner is HIV positive and the other is HIV negative).

Today, the sero-status division between HIV positive, negative, or unknown has transformed to a gradual erasure of the ‘sero-divide’ in sexual relationships for people living with HIV.

From the days when gay men relied on a range of HIV prevention strategies, such as serosorting, strategic positioning, viral load monitoring, and other negotiated sex safety options, today’s strategies rest on more effective treatment medication and viral load monitoring.

PrEP is a relatively new player in this space, and has already delivered another powerful blow to the ‘sero-divide’, reducing fear and anxiety and opening up a new freedom between partners of all HIV sero-statuses.

In HIV Difference? you will read the stories of a range of silent warriors who boldly tackle the biggest killer of all, HIV stigma.

As they cross the boundaries of fear, culture, gender, disclosure, and sero-status on their way to freedom, excitement, and adventure, they enter a ‘brave new world’ full of desire, pleasure, and acceptance.

HIV Difference? normalises living and loving in today’s social and sexual spaces as we all start to realise what it means to be Ending HIV.

Keep an eye out for it and until then and after, go forth, love, lust, and live positively. 

Read HIV Difference online at, call Positive Life on (02) 9206-2177 to get a copy, or email [email protected].

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