Imperial back to court

Imperial back to court

Negotiations between the Imperial Hotel and the City of Sydney will go back to the Land and Environment Court, further delaying the opening of the iconic inner west venue.

The new court appeal follows a meeting at the end of last month where the two parties were unable to settle their differences, despite a court ruling in favour of the hotel.

The Commissioner hearing the matter has asked for written submissions outlining the Imperial’s objections to conditions which the Council is seeking to impose on it.

“I would expect this to be dealt with relatively quickly but ultimately that is something which is up to the courts,” Imperial owner Shadd Danesi said.

“Plans to open the hotel this year have already been dashed. We need some lead-up time to work out a date as to when we’re going to open and this deep into December, everyone is going on holidays.”

However, Danesi said patrons will be impressed by the new Imperial in the new year.

“We’re still operating three bars, the public bar, the cabaret bar, and the cellar bar, but everything will be on a bigger and better scale,” he told Sydney Star Observer.

“All the amenities have been upgraded — the toilet facilities, air conditioning, the flow of the building.
“All the rooms have been improved in size to accommodate the increase in numbers.

“The cellar now has a mezzanine level running around it. The sound system and lighting system is state of the art.
“The building has been completely soundproofed to stop any noise.”

Danesi said he had a great deal of confidence in newly appointed manager Chris Matters, who has an extensive hospitality background.

“He presents himself very well. He has a level head and an excellent background in hospitality coming out of the restaurant trade,” Danesi said.

A City of Sydney spokesperson confirmed the council had lodged its papers with the Commissioner on Friday, with the matter to be decided in chambers at a later date.

5 responses to “Imperial back to court”

  1. Next time your at the poll booths voting at the next election, when you see Clover Moore’s name think very carefully about what she has done to the Imperial, she has ridden on the Gay communities support to get into office, dont be fooled again

  2. Roger, the bloke won in court – Clover Moore should accept that.

    I hope the place is well patronised and the owner makes a motza – it might just encourage more people to invest in new gay and lesbian venues!

  3. whats the problem now? i am seriously starting to think its never opening and we will never have our local back :_(

  4. Yes, the Imperial is an Iconic Sydney GLBTI venue.
    Council gave the ok to open some time ago, but allowed numbers of patrons on the premises was supposedly not enough.
    It doesn’t sound like the owner is being bled dry to me. If he can afford to have a multi-million dollar commercial property not make a return dollar for such a long time, and be spending countless dollars on renovations, why didn’t he accept opening on Council’s initial ok with less patrons? Surely over a week of reliable trade it would counteract the one or two ‘packed’ nights a week.
    I reckon it reeks of commercial greed..not investment in a community facility.

  5. The SSO should name names here.

    Lord Mayor Clover Moore should accept the Court’s ruling.

    It is the biggest ever investment into a community facility – but the the owner is being bled dry with legal bills by Clover Moore.

    Let the Imperial open!!