Letters – Sydney (1055)

Letters – Sydney (1055)


In response to the letter from Brett (SSO 1054), as a long-time volunteer for AllGayCruises, local, interstate and international events, and all other major community organisations, I would like to point out that I am extremely proud of this organisation’s record on it’s lack of incidents and the handling of the few minor ones that have occurred.

I am disturbed and mystified by Brett’s allegations and can assure readers there has been dialogue between his partner and AllGayCruises.

If Brett and his rescued partner have any issues about the incident, I am More than happy for you to pass on my contact details should they wish for me to meet them, anywhere, anytime to mediate and clear the air to everyone’s satisfaction, and keep the excellent record of AllGayCruises shipshape.

— Ulo


Is it any wonder that the Catholic Church is so hated? I have never been a religious person but, I was raised to be a good, decent, honest and tolerant person.

I am a 25-year-old gay man and I have never come across any other institution that fosters as much hate as the churches.

How is it that the Catholic church can be so intolerant of same-sex marriages but are all too happy harbor priests and sex offenders who assault young boys?

I am constantly disgusted by this church, and for a message like this to be imposed on people celebrating Christmas should have many of its followers hanging their heads in shame.

This is a new age: one of tolerance and acceptance. I believe in same-sex marriage for all those out there who want to be granted the same rights as straight couples, but I cannot help but think to myself – why would anyone want to be a part of an institution where messages of hate and intolerance are an everyday part of its teachings?

Even on Christmas!

I am sure this is not what Jesus had planned. Love knows no bounds.

— Tim


Congratulations to Australian Marriage Equality for taking the fight for gay rights to where it is needed – the churches.

Unfortunately AME are wasting their time if they think meeting with George Pell will soften his position on gay marriage.

Pell is a career bureaucrat who will simply use the media coverage to preach his gay-hate message.

Gay rights activists need to be far more confrontational on this issue.

The odd protest rally outside Pell’s official residence would be a good start.

— Peter


I wish the Australian Christian Lobby would do more work on Christian goals such as helping the poor or preventing war instead of complaining about programs that defend gay teenagers.

— Tony


Christians should be focussing on helping people, not continuing a useless battle against homosexuality.

Whatever happened to charity and humility? Oh right, only Christians or possible converts are privy to Christian values.

Perhaps they want the bullying to continue? After all, more gay teens suiciding means less grown up homosexuals in the future.

— Ben


Did George Pell really say priests campaigning against same-sex marriage from the pulpit were defending ‘freedom of thought, conscience and religion’? Oh the irony.

Perhaps someone should tell George and his paid agents (aka ‘priests’) that this is a civil rights issue and a matter of equality, and in a secular society religion doesn’t come into it.

Nobody wants to make it compulsory.

The idea that the Roman Catholic Church is interested in protecting ‘freedom of thought, consicience and religion’, except where it’s to its own advantage, is laughable.

For centuries, up to and including the present, Pell’s church has attempted to impose its will on everyone — church member and non-member alike.

It uses its position as a ‘state’ to stymie population control and other measures in UN agencies, and flexes its political muscle to intimidate politicians and governments both here and elsewhere, and it’s as capable of dirty tricks as any other power-hungry organisation.

I’m a long-term refugee from organised religion, in particular Roman Catholicism: I don’t expect to see the end of the institutionalised homophobia and misoginy which pervades most relgious estabishments, and I’m realistic enough to know that George and his ilk aren’t going to change.

That’s their prerogative. But let’s have a little bit of truth in the debate, please.

‘Defending freedom’? Pull the other one, George. Or maybe that’s the problem: you are.

— Noel


I attended the Lord Mayor’s party on new year’s eve — what a wow factor! Sydney at its best. And what a lovely mixture of people at the Clover love-fest.

I’ve noticed during the year so many over 40-ish gay men seem to whinge and complain about how its not like the old days.  Thank goodness I say. How awful to be stuck in a time warp.

Younger gays appear to be like we were — handsome, naughty and a little zany — and most seem to be out and proud.

They may not use the established bars, beats, sex on premises venues, saunas etc, but they play by current rules using cyber sex games and fun venues.

Its very refreshing to walk down Oxford St sometimes and see lots of gay young people enjoying themselves.

As a mature age gay I am still proud to be able to associate myself with the current crop of gays. So come on over 40’s, join in the fun because you reap what you sow.

All the best to the SSO and  my community for 2011. And let’s support Madi Gras this year to help keep sexy Sydney on the world map.

— Fred

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