Maxi’s sister

Maxi’s sister

Drag is such a daunting task when you first decide to don a frock and some lippy. I was always scared that I would look like either a clown or my mum on crack. In the end I think it was a little of both. To lighten the burden of looking tragic while entering a nightclub by myself, I enlisted the help of a drag sister Katherine Gorge. Hey, we could both look tragic but still have fun causing terror around town. This first night out blossomed into a beautiful friendship that has lasted over the years.

I think it is important to have a drag sister when starting out. They are always someone with whom you can trade makeup tips, pick up boys and -“ my favourite -“ go out in matching outfits. With a drag sister you don’t really need an excuse to go out in a frock. Each night we just started with what are you wearing tonight or if you’re wearing that, I’m going to wear this. And that was just for a normal night out on the town.

Dance parties would need a lot more consideration with numerous meetings re outfits and weeks of preparation. How can I forget my first ever dance party Hand In Hand, where Katherine and I decided to wear swimwear to a winter party? She ended up in the medical tent with her hair on the bench beside her after twisting her ankle falling off her heels. And I was dancing up a storm in the centre with Portia, thinking Katherine was watching from the stands. Or jumping for hours on the jumping castle at one Mardi Gras only to find out after getting off that our stockings had ripped and our arses were hanging out for everyone to see.

One thing you must watch out for though is the level of competition that may arise. If one sister becomes successful and the other doesn’t, what do you do? This happened with Katherine and me and in the end she moved out of Sydney.

I think my main reason for writing this article is to say friends are a lot more important than some job or getting known around town. You sometimes forget that not only are they someone to have fun with, but they are someone to watch out for you. Katherine, it was great to catch up with you again last weekend, it was exactly like old times. I hope to see you again soon.


What a night last Saturday was at the Midnight Shift! Rugger Bugger 2 was a huge success once again, with a fab reprise of the Full Monty show. Good luck, boys, with the Bingham Cup in London.

Who was the young showgirl who decided to practise a new art form at Inquisition last Saturday night? The art of hand puppetry is a great skill to have but always remember to remove all jewellery before you start your performance.

Has the Black Eena come back from the dead? From all reports she is back and kicking at Palms. Trust Eena to fake her death Fairley Arrow-style.

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