More party G overdoses

More party G overdoses

Another gay and lesbian dance party has been marred by patrons overdosing on the drug GHB.

The Toybox day party drew around 1,300 patrons to the Metro on Sunday. Promoter Andy Schouten said Toybox was a fantastic event but two ambulances had to be called for patrons -“ which he described as being two too many. Other patrons left the party in the company of friends, he said.

Another ambulance was called later in the day to the Midnight Shift, although a club spokesperson could not confirm whether the incident was related to a GHB overdose. Arq nightclub reported no overdosing incidents.

Schouten said the Toybox organisers had employed a medical team of four people and had also used drug rovers at the party.

All we can do is continue to look after our patrons as best we can, he said.

Sydney Star Observer drug columnist Paul Dillon worked with the party organisers and said that they had done everything they could to minimise drug problems at the event.

What we know about G is that it is cumulative, Dillon said. Toybox was an all-day event, and we would not necessarily expect to see people experiencing problems during the day.

Schouten said the overdosing incidents were very disappointing given the party was so popular and such a success (tickets were all sold out two weeks in advance). He and fellow party organiser Brett Bush were looking to hold a third Toybox party some time early in the new year, he said.

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