Playing it safe at a sex venue

Playing it safe at a sex venue

Having sex in a shopping centre or park toilet is likely to get you arrested, bashed or frighten away a family. If you’re into the beat scene it’s best to stay away from having sex in public places because it is, after all, illegal.
There is another option -“ sex on premises venues (SOPVs). They are safe and, if you follow the rules, pleasurable.
But what are those rules? It’s not like there’s a book to guide you through the dos and don’ts of SOPV cruising.
Bodyline Spa and Sauna manager Lee Easton said SOPVs are unique to the gay community and have developed a culture of their own.
Going to a sex venue is so much safer and it has legality. You’re not going to be hassled by police or offend any members of the community, he said. And you’re more likely to have safe sex as we have ample amounts of condoms and lube available.
Easton said sometimes people can find themselves in difficulties because they are not aware of the venue’s etiquette. For example, there are rooms designed for sex and others for relaxation and fun. Having intercourse in a douche room, spa or sauna -“ for example -“ is not on.
It’s impolite to ejaculate or have penetration in a spa or sauna, Easton said. Not everyone comes to these premises just for sex -“ some prefer to just enjoy the facilities.
Kingsteam assistant manager Reg McLaughlin said having sex in the coffee area or in the gym was also unacceptable.
But, Easton said, it is also best to drop the attitude before you walk in.
Being rude and obnoxious at a SOPV is only going to affect your time and the other patrons, he said.
People need to respect each other and be polite when cruising. It’s important to remember that no means no. Don’t keep hassling someone and trying again.
We can’t make someone have sex.
Alcohol and drugs, as well as food or drink, are also a no-no in the venues. And the reasons why are not just the obvious ones.
You’re more likely to slip or become dehydrated in the steam room or sauna, resulting in passing out or vomiting, Easton said. And arguing about it is not going to get you anywhere.
As well, sleeping is not allowed, nor is prostitution. It is also important to understand the policies and procedures of the venues before heading in. Most have detailed websites and staff are always happy to share that particular venue’s requirements or specialties.
But the most important thing to remember is to always play safe.
Bodyline -“
Kingsteam -“
Headquarters -“
Aarows -“
Sydney City Steam –

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