To tuck and tighten?

To tuck and tighten?

For many women their vagina’s appearance is just as important as their face, skin and hands. So it is little wonder it is the latest body part to become the subject of cosmetic surgery.

The latest designer vaginal surgery is known as labioplasty -“ or the liposuction of the mons pubis. It is claimed the treatment makes a woman feel more confident in the bedroom and in a bikini.

It is proving particularly popular for women after childbirth. Giving birth can leave the labia enlarged and swollen, causing women some sense of discomfort at their appearance.

But the procedure -“ like all forms of cosmetic surgery -“ is not without its critics. Last year the British Medical Journal published an article by senior lecturer Ronan Conroy of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland who claimed the practice was the western equivalent of female circumcision.

However leading Sydney cosmetic surgeon Dr Kourosh Tavakoli said labioplasty is becoming popular in today’s society -“ with many lesbian women having the procedure done or asking about it.

This is now a common procedure. It essentially cosmetically configures the outer part of the vagina by tidying up the inner vaginal lip (labia minora) and sometimes the outer lip (labia majora), he said.

Once the plastic surgeon fully understands the patient’s desire, the procedure entails a light general anesthetic with removal and re-fashioning of the labia minora.

The 45-minute procedure costs between $5000 and $6000. Dr Tavakoli said there are only minimal side effects, including bleeding and infection, and that the healing process takes about six weeks.

Dr Tavakoli said the results are positive, although scarring does occur. That scarring, he said, is almost invisible after 12 months.

Physically the outer vaginal area looks much neater and tucked in, he said. Psychologically patients become much more confident with intimacy as they are no longer self-conscious.

Dr Tavakoli said that women between the ages of 18 and 50 were having or considering the procedure.

Other vaginal cosmetic procedures increasing in popularity include vaginal tightening, the lifting of the clitoral hood and hymenplasty, or the reconstruction of the hymen.

So what makes a perfect vagina?

A neat labia, firm and taut skin and a very slight bulge or convexity, Dr Tavakoli said.

If you’re having issues with your vagina’s appearance it is recommended you first consult your gynecologist.


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