Pauline Hanson Fails To Get Senate To Conduct Inquiry Into Gender Affirming Care

Pauline Hanson Fails To Get Senate To Conduct Inquiry Into Gender Affirming Care
Image: One Nation leader Pauline Hanson and Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young. Images: Facebook.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson failed in her bid to get the Senate to agree to a Parliamentary inquiry into gender-affirming care for transgender youth. Hanson’s anti-trans motion was voted down 38- 25, despite support from conservative Liberal Senators like Alex Antic, Claire Chandler, Sarah Henderson, Michaelia Cash, and Matt Canavan.

Some moderate Liberal Senators including  Simon Birmingham, Andrew Bragg, Jane Hume, Maria Kovacic, and Dean Smith, joined Labor and Greens members to vote against the motion. 

Earlier this week, Hanson had called Senators who had refused to support her motion for inquiries into  Australia’s current classification system for books and into gender-affirming care “sick puppies”

Hanson Rails Against Senators

Following the defeat of the anti-trans motion, Hanson issued a press release ranting against Labor, Greens and moderate Liberal Senators who refused to support what she termed a “harmless inquiry”. 

“These senators are not representing the people who elected them,” Hanson railed. “They are representing an ideology that harms children in a perverted attempt to remake the human species.”These include Labor and their doormat and their doormat David Pocock, the Greens and Coalition senators Simon Birmingham, Jane Hume, Dean Smith, Andrew Bragg and Maria Kovocic. These wet blanket Liberals really belong in the Greens and should give up masquerading as conservatives,” Hanson said in the statement.

Hanson also targeted Independent Senators like Jacqui Lambie.  “I am disgusted that not one Labor senator had the courage to stand up for Australian children. I think Tasmanians should also be very disappointed that Jacqui Lambie and Tammy Tyrell did not even consider this matter important enough to vote,” said Hanson. 

Right-Wing Obsessed With People’s Lives

Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young slammed the motion, painting out that the conservatives instead of debating real-world problems like cost of living, discrimination, and violence against women, were obsessed with  “what somebody else wears, what gender they are and who they want to sleep with”.

“The obsession with other people’s sex lives that comes from the crazy right wing of this chamber is extraordinary! Obsessed with other people’s gender. Obsessed with other people’s sexual activities. Obsessed with other people’s love lives. Obsessed with other people’s dress. In fact, obsessed with everything! Obsessed with everything but their own ability to look at facts,” said Senator Hanson-Young. 

“It is extraordinary that time in this chamber, over and over again, is being spent on the right-wing moral diatribe that is not even unique. It is directly imported from the fascist right-wing arguments carried out in the United States. They’re not even original thoughts that are being argued here in this chamber,” added Hanson-Young.

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One response to “Pauline Hanson Fails To Get Senate To Conduct Inquiry Into Gender Affirming Care”

  1. Pauline, leave children alone and crawl back under your rock. Your copy of American far right madness is not welcome in Australia.