Poster comp to raise HIV awareness

Poster comp to raise HIV awareness

A poster competition to promote World AIDS Day (WAD), aimed at young artists and designers, will open next week.

Victorian AIDS Council/Gay Men’s Health Centre (VAC/GMHC) communications coordinator Viveka de Costa said the aims were twofold.

“It’s a way to get, on the one hand, a fantastic poster, but also to get people talking about [HIV],” de Costa said.

“I know after participating in World AIDS Day handing out ribbons last year, it’s really not something the mainstream community is aware of in the Victorian context.

“So it was an avenue we thought would be productive.”

The initiative, Putting HIV back in the Frame, aims to encourage younger people to discuss the issues around HIV.

The winning entry will be the VAC/GMHC’s official WAD 2011 campaign poster and will promote WAD on trams and in print and online advertising. Twenty entries will be shortlisted to be exhibited in Federation Square from Nov 29 – Dec 3.

The poster should incorporate this year’s WAD theme, ‘Inform yourself, educate others’, and the judging panel will look for original works that respond to the theme. De Costa said entrants should research the issue, look at older HIV/AIDS posters and understand the facts about HIV.

The competition winner will receive a $2500 Apple Store gift card. A $2000 card will be awarded for second place and a $1000 card for third. Poster entries are open July 11 – September 2. Download an information pack from the VAC website.


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One response to “Poster comp to raise HIV awareness”

  1. I guess on the basis of inform yourself, educate others advertising it’s probably timely to ask a question back, if i may?
    How many people annualy arrive at an Australian hospital to find out their condition is related to HIV/AIDS that they were unaware of???
