Serial gay killing concerns in South Africa

Serial gay killing concerns in South Africa

The recent death of a gay man, found bound and suffocated in his home, has led to concerns about a link between the case and the killings of other gay men in South Africa over the past two years.

Last year, local media reported on six similar murders of gay men across Gauteng, all of them found strangled in their homes, including HIV/AIDS
activist Jason Wessenaar.

There were no signs of forced entry in the cases and little was taken from the crime scenes.

It appeared the men had met their killers either online or through phone apps.

The latest victim, Rulov Senekal (pictured), was discovered dead by one of his neighbours, tied up and murdered after inviting two men into his apartment the previous evening.

The men were seen walking out of the apartment complex, taking very little from the flat besides Senekal’s laptop and a full black plastic bag, 30
minutes after entering.

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