Help, I’m coming down like a bitch!

Help, I’m coming down like a bitch!

You had a great party weekend, met many sexy and cool people, told your life story a few times and heard a few. You were fabulous, they were fabulous, but today, “You’re coming down like a bitch!”

Welcome to the world of the comedown – but you can easily ease the pain with some considerations beforehand.

A warning from Nana first though. If you are already feeling under high stress before the party season, having trouble with your relationship/s or not feeling crash-hot physically, you might
want to seriously reconsider indulging heavily.

We all know the higher you go, the lower you come down (Newton), so you can predict the outcome from the start, with a little imagination.

If you intend to go flying, make a plan for a smoother landing before the take-off. (Sorry about the metaphors.) There is no point anyone telling you not to use attitude enhancers so let’s realistically discuss ways to reduce the comedown.

Serotonin is the chemical that makes the brain happy but when you party too much that lovely happy juice decreases dramatically. You then end with symptoms of clinical depression: little interest in anything, feeling irritable, annoyed at little things and having the predisposition to tell the flatmate, the boyfriend, the boss, the neighbour and anyone around to fuck off. You

leave the repair job to Mr Nice Guy, always inside you, who wearily resurfaces some days later.

So let’s keep yourself nice and everyone around you safe while you’re coming down like a bitch. The rescue is in the preparation. What you will need is food before you party and food at home after. Food you can actually eat like bananas (nice and soft and easy to get down), avocados, pasta, and scrambled eggs.

You will also be greatly dehydrated so stock up on plenty of mineral water and sports drinks.

Next, get some calming vids, soft music, change the sheets beforehand, an eye mask, some rehydrating mist spray, eye gel and plan to chill out, alone or with supportive mates. You could try going for a swim or having a cold shower. Sleep as much as you can as it will do wonders in the long run.

Take a look at this website for some more tips:

Now for some preparations to retain self-esteem. You are more than likely going to also feel down about yourself. You might think you are worthless, useless and your life isn’t going anywhere. So write some notes for yourself while you are feeling healthy and content before the party. Stick notes in the fridge, on the bathroom mirror and elsewhere like, “I’m going to be famous, wealthy and sexy,” “Chill out baby, life is great,” “Stay calm, peaceful and love yourself”.

Take a few days off if you can, do very little for a while and remove any stressful times ahead.

Okay, have fun and make plans for your recovery. You are not to become a bitch. Okay! Take care, my lovelies.

INFO: Gerry North is a gay counsellor in Sydney. Email Gerry with any suggestions of your own re coming down to [email protected]


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