Letters to the editor – Melbourne

Letters to the editor – Melbourne


Barry O’Feral should not be using $50,000 of taxpayers money to promote hate against us (‘Gay hate gathering for Sydney’, SSO 1074).

Business Events Sydney has no place promoting violence and hate. Why are we paying for a mob of far right ‘family values’ American fundamentalists to get people to bash and kill us through their hate speeches?

The Liberal/ National Party needs to put down the knife and walk away. They are trying to stab all those who voted for them, and those of us who value decency and a fair bloody go!

— Dave


We have all seen how these extremists stir up trouble and incite violence.

I am all for free speech, but for a company and a government to put money into this conference, they are implying that they agree with the content or values of the conference.

That is just human nature. If you see a politician at a gay rally, one assumes that the politician is either gay or behind the gay cause. The same goes for meetings like this.

If we allow hatred and vilification against anybody, gay or straight, it lowers us as an intelligent species and puts us at the level of people like Hitler. Hatred is wrong in any form.

We are all human, we all bleed red, and we should all have the same rights, especially to live without fear of being harmed and abused either mentally or physically.

— Shaey


Thankfully the gay community has been warned and we can protest when the date arrives. I’ll be front and centre.

— David


I love your columns Daddy Dearest
They open up our eyes
To be the best that we can be
No prejudice, no lies

Your honesty is so courageous
Your life with us, you share
Once a week we hear your tales
You write, because you dare

So keep the columns coming
Keep on being brave
Then what you have in the end
Is the knowledge that you gave

You gave to those who stay silent
You gave to those who speak
You gave the world a Daddy Dearest
Gave strength when you were weak

Love you x

— Custard


Gillard has, once again, shown her true colours in agreeing to meet with anti-gay groups; yet consistently refusing to meet with people in favour of same-sex marriage (‘PM accepts anti-marriage letter,’ Star Online).

For all his faults, at least Tony Abbott had the decency to meet with representatives from Australian Marriage Equality and listen to their case. Not Gillard — she pretends we don’t even exist.

— Rob


The point of having gay marriage legalised is not to force homosexuals to get married, it’s just so that they can have the option.

I’m bisexual and I don’t really care whether I get married or not. A civil union is fine by me, but the point is if I end up with another woman I’d at least like to know I have the same right to choose to get married as I do with a man.

— Moonie


You get what you give, Julia. Just remember when the next election comes around — you’ve shown hate and that’s exactly what you’ll get back.

— Brett

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