Looking forward

Looking forward

I have the pleasure of forwarding the outcomes of the VGLRL’s recent planning day.

While there is much we want to do, the lobby decided to focus on the following key goals:

1. Achieving the most comprehensive and effective federal equal opportunity law.

The lack of such laws is a huge example of systemic discrimination at the federal level. While there is broad support in general, issues such as complete coverage for all in our community and the old chestnut of religious exemptions/exceptions will be important parts of the picture. We look forward to keeping the pressure on the federal Parliament to deliver the best outcome.

2. Homo/trans/bi phobic harassment laws at state and federal levels.

This seems to have become one of the most forgotten issues within the queer community. However, research (most likely including the Private Lives 2 report, being released this week) shows time and again how all forms of harassment — verbal, psychological as well as physical and sexual — can damage lives in our community.

3. A funded peak body for Victoria’s GLBTI community.

A range of communities e.g. youth, Indigenous, multicultural have such bodies. Surely it is time for GLBTIQ to have such a body as well.

4. Encouraging diversity in the workplace.

It is well proven how diversity benefits productivity and how cities and businesses who value diversity reap those benefits by attracting good people.

While of course there are many other important issues, we do not wish to duplicate the work of others e.g. AME and Equal Love on marriage; Safe Schools Coalition on bullying in schools; naturally we support it. And also, the above four issues will be definitely tackled in consultation with community partners around Victoria and Australia.

We also have some great new volunteers on board — and the more company the merrier! So whether it’s policy writing, fundraising or anything else, please contact us via [email protected] Facebook (Victorian Glrl) or on 0417 484 438 and help us to end discrimination and to achieve equality and social justice.

Most of all, whether it’s on the roads, at a party or with someone else, have a fun and safe Easter weekend, everyone.

INFO: Sally Goldner is VGLRL treasurer.

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