Read about rainbow families

Read about rainbow families

It is great for our kids to be able to read about other rainbow families, but even better for our families to be represented to other children in mainstream society.

There is a growing range of books intended for baby to school-age kids. Here is a small selection of what is popular.

Learn to Include is an Australian non-profit organisation publishing inclusive children’s books, featuring diverse families, including families with same-sex parents. They are great books that do not focus on the mums, but the ordinary life of Brenna.

Our Story is for children conceived by DI into lesbian-parented families. “One day I said ‘Have I got a dad?’ Then my mums told me all about how a hospital helped them to have a baby — me! I am really happy my mums could do this and I am proud of us and our family.”  UK-based, but will ship to Australia at a reasonable price.

Mommy, Mama and Me depicts a fun-filled day in the life of a happy, loving family. Lovely for toddlers and can be found in local bookstores or online.

Heather Has Two Mommies was one of the first books to feature a little girl with two mums. It has a good discussion starter about the differences in families.

The Family Book by Todd Parr. There are many different types of families, and this book celebrates them all in a funny, silly, and reassuring way. Can be found in local bookstores and online.

I Wish I Had 100 Mummies. The illustrations are bold and colourful yet detailed so there’s always something interesting for your preschooler to point at and talk about. The girl in the story just happens to have two mummies.

info: Visit

By NADINE SHARP, Rainbow Babies & Kids.

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