A night on the tiles

A night on the tiles

The gorgeous Monte Dee didn’t disappoint on a recent Monday night romp to the Crown complex.

After consuming her body weight in free champagne the lovely one became violently ill and unleashed a technicolor torrent, the likes of which I’m sure punters won’t forget.

She then sashayed into a sliding glass door before proceeding to the blackjack table and scored $2500. Just another night on the town for the one and only Diamonte. Ya gotta love the gal!

In a situation far more intriguing, pregnant with possibilities, and dangerous than the WikiLeaks scandal, rumours of the demise of Bitch Fridays have been greatly exaggerated.

In fact, in this very column last week, I lamented the axing of this fab night. Well, fear not my darlings, the Bitch is back!

The night will continue, perhaps under another name, but I have it on good authority that Pussy and Tabitha will return to the GH front bar stage in one week’s time. In the meantime Millicent “hello darling” Minogue is holding the fort.

Oh the mystery, the skulduggery, don’t you love it?

Reported on Facebook last week, was an unconfirmed Beyonce sighting at The Market.

Yeah right, and Madonna was over at the 7-Eleven grabbing some fags, chatting to Rihanna and Katy Perry.

Ho, ho, ho! God, where does the year go? It’s almost time for the fat old man with the sack to make his rounds.

With a veritable plethora of Xmas shows popping up like weeds around town, and before you know it, NYE will be upon us. Oh the decisions. The outfits to plan, where to go, what to take, who and how many to kiss?

It does my head in, but then so does an episode of The Circle, so I’m not a good example.

Personally I will be making an appearance at the Greyhound with all my sissies and a truck load of cheap champagne.

Should old acquaintance be forgot? Not if I can help it!

Big birthday shout-out to the one and only Destiny. Love ya guts babe. Blow that candle out.

Until next time.

Remember, camp can mean a thousand things

Rita x

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