Daddy dearest – toy story

Daddy dearest – toy story

My mini men ran through the gate and landed on my tummy as I lay on my daybed in the autumn sun. Beau produced a bag full of soft toys and handed me two of them.

“Dad, you remember this one?” He held up Mr Mountie Moose.

“Aww gosh, Beau, I forgot all about him.”

I played with his soft antlers and his Canadian Mountie outfit. I bought Mr Mountie Moose in Vancouver in 1996.

“He keeps that so he remembers you, Dad,” Chick piped up, teasing Beau gently.

The second toy I knew very well. Buzz Lightyear.

Beau and Chick lay over my legs and torso while Batman, Woody and Jessie and a bright blue orang-utan danced and fought in the air.

Meanwhile, Buzz and Mountie Moose were dancing on my chest. The boys giggled and watched as the music stopped. Buzz reached over and cuddled Mountie.

“Make them kiss, Dad,” Beau chirped. Mountie stood on his tiptoes and gave Buzz a peck on the lips. Buzz put his arm around Mountie.

The boys giggled again. Chick’s neon orang-utan fell off the couch and ‘exploded’, as he suggested very happily. Beau thrust Woody’s girlfriend Jessie into Buzz and Mountie’s happy embrace. “Nah, Dad, they need Jessie to get married.”

I took my moment.

“Well, Buzz and Mountie live in England, where they can get married.” I looked over the two dolls to the boys. “Maybe one day, hopefully, Buzz and Mountie can get married here.”

Mountie kissed Buzz again and picked up where they left off dancing on my chest. Dawn was sitting in the garden watching, smiling.

Affording the same rights and responsibilities to same-sex marriage will mean one day, hopefully soon, my conversation and playful toy story will be as redundant as a blanket on that beautiful autumn morning with my two sunny sons and their warm, gentle mother.

info: You can follow John on Twitter @daddydearest_

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