Gaga-free zone

Gaga-free zone

Apparently Lady Gaga released a new single. I’m sure that within 24 hours every queen in Melbourne will have a crack — except me. I’m declaring myself a Gaga-free zone.

I’m sure there’s a plethora of flat-wigged, Dotti frock-wearing ‘real’ girls who look just like 12-year-olds in their mothers’ dresses who will have it well and truly covered.

Which fresh exotic young thing is, according to her, on an astronomical wage at her Monday gig? Babe, with that amount in your handbag you should be driving a Mercedes.

Pride March was quite the crazy day with fags and dykes out in force, and Anita Beer crowned Queen Of Pride and wheeled down Fitzroy St in a pedicab, thereby deftly avoiding the ‘no floats’ rule which would have applied had she been in a motorised vehicle.

I think it would be an improvement to allow floats and as much colour and movement as possible, if only to capture the straight press’ attention and raise our profile. I realise we are not all defined by overly made-up men in dresses and brightly coloured wigs, but don’t they add a touch of the kooky and wacky? Isn’t that what makes a parade?

They are certainly attention-getting. Just look at Mardi Gras. The only people who ever make the media are leather queens with their arses hanging out of chaps or drag queens. If that defines our community, I think we should embrace that. That’s what sets us apart.

I dont have a problem with it. We’re not all ‘straight-acting’ and ‘chino-wearing’ and don’t wanna be!
A well known lady about town inbibed way too much at Pride march and finished her day with a roll down a hill after helping out Port Phillip Council by tidying up their bins.

The hills are indeed alive — with the sound of barfing.

Witnesses say she went down so fast it was as if a lone gunman on a grassy knoll had taken her out (all those under 30, please Google).

“Like a bag of shit,” I believe, was the phrase used. Well, if the heel fits! In this case the heel got stuck in the mud.

Her sissies helped her up, after they had snapped pics, taken a video, posted it to Facebook, and laughed themselves sick.

One cross-dressing beauty has taken the plunge again and is apparently on hormones. She’s never looked better — taken to it like a fish to water and is now sporting tits.

Chookas, girl — you look like a supermodel already. The only way is up.

Sources tell me a well known Melbourne drag troupe is not only fully recast, but is about to make an Australian TV debut. Apparently an all-new tranny line-up, a bit like Les Girls, is about to be revealed on TV. They can’t say you ain’t got talent!

Stay tuned.

Until next time.
Remember, camp can mean a thousand things.

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