Glow and go

Glow and go

It’s the final stop on our tour around the body’s seven main energy centres. This week is all about the crown chakra. Located right on the top of the head, this is the energy centre that connects us to our bliss, our ‘knowing’ and to higher consciousness.

To get a sense of this chakra, try this meditation. Sit in a chair in a comfortable position, with back straight, feet firmly planted and hands resting palm up on your thighs. Now start to breathe into the belly, slowly, deeply and rhythmically. On each inhale, begin to imagine a beam of white light entering the crown of your head from above and travelling down to your heart. Then on each exhale, imagine pushing or sending that light out from your heart and down your arms into your hands.

After a while you may start to notice heat, or a tingling sensation in your palms. You’ve just connected with your crown chakra and opened it up to channel and move energy through your body.

It’s said our spirit enters our body through the crown chakra at the moment we’re born, and leaves through the same doorway when we die. This centre is our gateway to the next level of spiritual maturity.

In tantric terms it’s the chakra of the ultimate orgasm, the surrender to death. It’s no coincidence that the French refer to orgasm as ‘la petite mort’ or ‘the little death’. Orgasm is often an overwhelming feeling of peace, stillness and letting go, and it’s in the afterglow of an orgasm that you can get a sense of what it’s really like to be released from the physical body and reality as we know it.

To nourish this area, confront one of society’s last taboos and examine your beliefs about dying. Next time you have an orgasm, let go as completely as possible, of body, mind, emotions. Do nothing, be nothing and make friends with that timeless, bodiless feeling. That post-orgasmic ‘little death’ is as close as we can get to an after-death experience while still alive.

If we can make peace with the inevitability of death, we can bring greater meaning to our time on this planet. Because, after all, it’s only in the face of our own death that we can really know and celebrate life.

info: Experience tantric massage with Between The Sheets columnist Tantraguy. Visit…..tantraguy for more info.

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One response to “Glow and go”

  1. Has this column finished? I’m missing it…

    Editor’s Note: No Mark, it, along with the rest of the columns, returns on Jan 20