The Big O

The Big O

Motorists on Hoddle St are being treated to a larger than life billboard featuring the face of one Tom McFeely.

That’s if you can’t get enough of our jolly Scot at the Peel – lift that kilt, girl.

Everyone in town was hell bent on releasing their inner bogan on the weekend with a gaggle of gays all heading off to Bon Jovi.

Leading the pack of flannie-wearing, lighter-waving fans converging on Etihad was the one and only Monte, channeling her humble Geelong beginnings in the full look.

Apparently Diamonte’s night ended at the palatial abode of one Carmen Hi Ceilings, where it was loons and hooch and spa parties a go go.

Ms Diamonte’s fun had begun the previous evening at a Daryl Braithwaite concert where I’m told Ms Dee removed her knickers and tossed them on the stage, only to have them sniffed and thrown back by the Sherbet superstar.

Oprah fever hit Melbourne in a big way with all and sundry on the lookout for the talk show goddess. Being on the lookout for the big ‘O’ became the only game in town. She was spotted everywhere, even at Wet on Wellington – well, she’s only human. I’m sure she had quite a few of her “favourite things”.

The fiasco that is Melbourne cabs continues with the exotic beauty Mercedes being left high and dry for hours waiting for her chariot and trusty steed. Alas, no such transport materialised and Ms Bendzova was left to console herself.

Commercial Rd at about 3am is also a treat when trying to make your way home. I have a question for the cab companies: do your drivers want fares or not? It’s not a game of pick and choose.

If someone engages a taxi, the driver is legally bound to take you to your destination.

Which Melbourne show lady was entertaining a gentleman caller only to have the guy pass out and crash to the floor, taking a table of her best knick knacks with him?

The shocked drag star was about to call 000 when her friend came to and was promptly ushered out the door without time to even put on his shoes.

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