Time to sparkle

Time to sparkle

Christmas and New Year seemed to flutter past, quicker than ever this year. My heart skipped a beat as I passed hot cross buns in the supermarket. I almost fell off my heels when someone told me Mardi Gras is on the horizon.

We’ve started 2010 so there’s no turning back now. I am really excited about this year. Not only is it the Year of the Tiger (my year — yes, 36, but I don’t have to deal with that till June) but it is also the year of Darlinghurst (and some parts of Surry Hills).

Every day this year, everyone will be writing our postcode. Maybe we should take this by the horns. I’m sure all the amazing people involved with Twenty10, looking after gay and lesbian youth, would love to be more visible in the wider community. This could be the way.

Although it is just a date, why not shine a spotlight on our community, and use it in a positive way. The possibilities could be endless.

It’s an opportunity to show everyone that Darlinghurst isn’t just a nightclub strip. We have amazing things happening all the time.

It seems that a negative spotlight is easier to shine than a positive one. Maybe it’s more satisfying to say “shithouse”, “terrible”, “hate”, than point out the good qualities. Sometimes it feels easier to say, “Let someone else do it”. Or it seems too overwhelming, that just one person can’t make a difference.

I love living here and have done so for 15 years. I understand there are things that need to change, but I feel they won’t when you approach them with a negative attitude.

There has always been a buzz around the Darlinghurst area. It’s hard not to have it, with so many from our community living here. The trick is to harness that buzz (maybe the leather boys can help with the harnessing).

I know the next suggestion is going to be hard… for me also, but let’s get out from behind our computers — Facebook, Gaydar, Manhunt can wait till later — and start to sparkle.

May 2010 be an amazing year for everyone, especially for those living in Darlinghurst (and some parts of Surry Hills).

info: For more on Twenty10, visit www.twenty10.org.au

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4 responses to “Time to sparkle”

  1. no one is knocking the presence of g’dar and facebook, she’s just suggesting something different.
    And I don’t think drag queens are insulting to women. Though I think angry, narrow minded views probably don’t help anyone either…. but you’re entitled to that opinion, as fulfilling it maybe for you.

  2. THANKS goes from another MAN about a old DRAG QUEEN with blue hair which is insulting WOMEN and YOU are sitting at YOUR COMPUTER TO you like the iNTERNET YOU just do not ADMIT it and the year of DARLINGHURST what about the rest of us!!!!!! HMMMMM!!!!

  3. Rose, your a fool.
    sit behind your computer and rot like the rest of them… i for one will take on maxi’s challenge and enjoy getting out! (and yes i know its ironic writing a response on a computer… but jees… also if you think maxi is OLD, then your just showing how idiotic you really are!)

  4. The sooner OLD dRAGS like this accept the INTERNET and FACEBOOK is here to STAY the better!!!! 2010 the year of the postcode of DARLINGHURT????? Please……….How INSULAR!!!!!!!