What took you so long?

What took you so long?

To change your life, you need to change the conversation. To change the conversation, you need to ask a different question.

I know this mantra. Hell, I’ve even helped teach it at work. Had I taught myself to listen? Clearly not.

So, I asked a different question three weeks ago.

From that very moment, I assure you, I have experienced change in its many forms.

I thought I was content. Clearly I was a little trapped. How nefarious is life to trick you into a sense of comfort, when in hindsight, you are a prisoner of your own mind. What took me so long?

One of the many elements I was trapped in was the absence of cooking chicken for men. My signature dating trait for anyone who knows me. I wasn’t interested in dating or meeting anyone.

I held my phone out in front of me, eyeing it like it was about to betray me. I thought about him and smiled. I thought he can only say no, right?. So I asked him to dinner the following Wednesday night.

This time was different, I wasn’t panicking about where to stand or what to wear, I was comfortable and more relaxed. Though when he walked in and handed me a gift my hands trembled and I had to put it down to look at it. Damn those nerves!

More change abound with the courtyard under construction, where mini men have helped build a retaining wall and some stone about to be laid.

A new gym membership. A new sense of day. Maybe a new job …

What I do know is I have escaped my own mind, but it’s ever lurking, so I continue to be mindful.

I also do know he said yes to a second date, so I continue to be ever hopeful…

INFO: You can follow John Meyer on Twitter: @daddydearest_ and on Facebook: DaddyDearest

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