Your rights

Your rights

With a number of big parties, including Sleaze, being held over the Labour Day weekend, it is important people are aware that law enforcement personnel will most likely be out in big numbers.

As well as an increased presence we should also expect to see sniffer dogs and roadside drug testing being utilised.

As far as drug detection dogs are concerned, the NSW Council for Civil Liberties website ( has a section dedicated to your legal rights in this area. Put simply, police are authorised to use drug sniffer dogs to search people randomly only in three situations: in pubs and other places where alcohol is served; at entertainment events, including sporting events, concerts, dance parties and street parades; and on public transport and stations.

Any drug search of a person outside these situations is illegal unless the police have a reasonable suspicion or a warrant. If you have been approached by a police sniffer dog team outside these areas, you should complain or report it.

If a dog sits down next you, then police can search you. In this situation, firstly, stay calm and be polite. You could be fined or arrested if you swear at the police, so don’t give them an excuse.

Be cooperative and let the police search you. But ask them why they are searching you and ask them for their name, rank and station.

Try to remember where (location) and when (time of day) police search you, as this information might be important if you decide to make a complaint.

If you do have drugs on you the law says you must give your name and address to police. You don’t have to say anything more if you don’t want to. This is your right to silence.

Because it is a long weekend, roadside drug testing is bound to take place and I wouldn’t be surprised to see the vans parked around the city in the early hours of Sunday morning.

If you are considering taking illegal drugs, don’t get behind the wheel of a car after using them, or even the following day. Drugs like ecstasy and methamphetamine (crystal) can be detected 24-48 hours after being taken. It simply isn’t worth the risk.

Remember: if you do not want any negative consequences, do not use the drug and, no matter how many times you have used a substance, never be blase.

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One response to “Your rights”

  1. The first rule of illegal substance use – avoid detection & prosecution, the second rule – don’t blame “someone” for putting it there. Unless your mates are all happy to be interrogated and searched too!! Hmmm??

    Surely the reason for not driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol, other drugs (or both) is to ensure that you don’t cause an accident and injure someone?

    Not to avoid the risk of roadside police drug testing.