The Holidays Can Be Tough When You’re Grieving — Here’s How To Find Support

The Holidays Can Be Tough When You’re Grieving — Here’s How To Find Support
Image: Photo: Salty Dingo 2022 / Mindframe.

For more than two decades, StandBy Support After Suicide has worked collaboratively to support those bereaved and impacted by suicide across Australia, and this holiday season StandBy is available for free support over the phone or face-to-face, 7 days a week.

The holiday season at the end of each year can be a difficult time, and it can be especially hard for those bereaved and impacted by suicide loss.

Sadly, the LGBTQIA+SB community is overrepresented when it comes to lives lost to suicide each year. At StandBy, we know that every individual life lost to suicide represents a human being who was loved, and a life which is valued and will be missed.

This year, StandBy has been working hard to strengthen its support services to be culturally safe, further deepen our community connections, and inform our support for those that need us most.

StandBy’s Partnership Coordinator and LGBTQIA+SB Portfolio Lead Kath Kelly convenes a working group which looks at ways StandBy can enhance support of sexually diverse and gender diverse communities.

standby suicide support
Photo: Kath Kelly, Supplied.

“We appreciate that LGBTQIA+SB communities may experience complexities around bereavement after the suicide of someone we love or know. Everyone experiences grief and loss differently, but LGBTQIA+SB communities can face specific experiences that may impact their bereavement, including past and/or present discrimination,” explained Kath

“Everyone bereaved and impacted by a suicide death should feel free to reach out for support and at StandBy,” said Kath.

StandBy works toward building greater understanding and acceptance so that as a generic service we are fully inclusive. If you have been affected by someone who has died by suicide, please reach out and we will put you in contact with a member of your local support team,” Kath said.

StandBy Program Manager Nicole Cool believes StandBy’s recent endeavours to ensure LGBTIQA+SB inclusiveness within service delivery has been strengthened by building strong relationships with Switchboard and other key LGBTIQA+SB agencies, training of our program staff, and promoting services such as Support After Suicide Hub (SASH).

“We believe that having a place that offers support and connection with other LGBTIQA+SB people who have lost someone to suicide is vitally important,” Nicole said.

StandBy acknowledges the individuals, families, friends, carers, colleagues and communities bereaved and impacted by suicide, and are committed to providing unique, safe and culturally suitable support.

You can call StandBy on 1300 727 247 or SMS 0428 842 041, or visit

If you or someone you know needs immediate support, please contact:

  • QLife – 1800 184 527
  • Rainbow Door – 1800 729 367 or SMS 0480 017 246
  • Lifeline – 13 11 14
  • Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636
  • 13 Yarn – 13 92 76
  • In an emergency, call 000

StandBy is an initiative of Youturn, jointly funded by the Australian Commonwealth, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland and Victorian Governments.

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