Glory This

Glory This

Set at the tail end of the 70s in depressing suburban Melbourne, Michelle Moo’s first novel is a truly Australian story. It’s so Australian, and so authentically 70s, some of the words don’t actually make sense any more. Who knew that a connie was a cardigan and a tread was one of those ripple-soled shoes? Moo’s heroine Mayne is a teenaged sharpie with a gang of sharpie mates. They have absent parents, go to parties and get into fights, and when Mayne walks in on her boyfriend Nafe pashing his mate Flats, she starts hanging around in an extra-close teenage-girl way with hell-raiser Snigs. Glory This is written in a light, easy style, but its content is fairly heavy. There’s not much character development and some of the language is distracting, but generally Moo’s novel is a nice read. It’s a good way to reconnect with your misspent suburban youth, complete with inappropriate crushes.

Review: Stacy Farrar

At the end of the street a small someone, could be anyone except for the way she’s standing, thumbs in belt loops just behind her hips to look tough but it never works. Nats on her own, coming closer. Nervous. Wanting for it to be time. No one here to watch anyhow. Makes eye contact with Mayne. But Mayne knows what to do and turns away. Staring straight out in front of her. Angel too. Like Nats doesn’t exist. Two pairs of treads going straight past one. Their backs to her. And Nat’s footsteps coming.

-” Don’t think y’ can see Snigs, Mayne, she’s my cousin.

-” What?

-” Y’ stayed there th’ other night.

-” So?

Mayne walking off, Angel catching up.

-” Y’ never told me y’ stayed the night there.

-” Like it’s so fucken important.

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