Walk to make a difference

Walk to make a difference

It is amazing that after this many years of pounding the keyboard I am never short of a topic to chat about. I try to mix it up with a dash of my own personal experiences and what is happening and affecting my community.
I am always open to suggestions about topics I can cover and many have made it to the pages of SSO. The other crazier ones have ended up on the editor’s cutting room floor, but unfortunately this happens to the best of us sometimes. Many times I have a thousand different topics I try to cram in all at once, which must send some of you around the bend.
This week is no exception. Through the wonders of Facebook I received a message from the lovely Kate from BGF, asking me to touch on the Walk for AIDS, which is coming up on 25 November.
Three of the city’s leading gay and lesbian health organisations -“ ACON, BGF and PLWHA -“ are taking their charity fundraising to the great outdoors, combining health and fitness with a message that should never be allowed to soften.
It starts at the Botanical Gardens at 11am and finishes at 1pm, costing just $20 to register. The whole family -“ including your puppy -“ can take a stroll with beautiful Sydney as your inspiring backdrop.
There’ll be entertainment and a very Aussie sausage sizzle at the finish, rounding off what I am certain will be a great day.
People taking part are asked to wear red so they can be a part of a huge, human red ribbon it is hoped to make at the end of the walk. For any more information log on to www.walkforaids.org.au.
If, like me, you will not be in Sydney for the walk, you can always just make a donation to one of the organisations. I will be performing at Brisbane’s Fluffy Festival that weekend so cannot take part.
But before I start to pack my bags (God, how do you pack for three days using only one suitcase?), it seems some people last week misinterpreted my comments on the future of the Taxi Club. I did not state the club was going broke, nor that it was closing. Rumours about its future have been reaching my ears for a number of months now. The club tells me that this is not the case and it will remain in place for the foreseeable future. It’s when we take these fabulous clubs for granted that suddenly they seem to vanish, so let’s keep visiting them so they are here for a long time to come.
E: maxi@ssonet.com.au

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