Cumberland Women’s Health Centre  would like to thank SGLBA for its $2000 grant as it will allow Cumberland Women’s Health Centre a fantastic opportunity to support and improve lesbian women’s mental, social and physical health and wellbeing.
Cumberland Women’s Health Centre is committed to improving access for lesbian women to services. It is a primary aim of this organisation to maintain accessible resources for all lesbian women living in the community.
This means consistently providing quality services at no financial cost.
In 2010, Cumberland Women’s Health Centre intends to provide a number of workshops targeted at the lesbian community on health, relationships and rights topics.
While the primary focus of these workshops is on support and education, a group setting provides a secondary advantage by meeting with other lesbian women in the community to form lasting support networks.

info: Cumberland Women’s Health Centre, 29 Campbell St, Parramatta. Ph: 9689 3044 or email [email protected] or visit

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