Young, Queer & Restless For Change: Aiv Puglielli

Young, Queer & Restless For Change: Aiv Puglielli
Image: Greens MP Aiv Puglielli. Photo: Julian Meehan/Supplied

Aiv Puglielli has come a long way since COVID lockdown. A young, queer artist whose hopes to stand up for queer voices intensified as the lockdown days grew to a close. Puglielli made his desire to run for public office a reality. “There was definitely a point where it became apparent, ‘if I don’t put my hand up to push for change, a voice like mine simply wouldn’t be included in this place’.” 

In an interview with Star Observer, one of the youngest MPs in Victorian Parliament, Greens’ North-East Metro member Aiv Puglielli reveals his drive to support trans and gender-diverse voices, hopes for future members of Parliament, and his fight for more support and protection for the queer community.

Discovering his sexual identity throughout his formative years in high school, Puglielli found this helped shape his views for future generations. “Going forward, the work I do in this place can make that journey as easy and painless as possible for members of our community.”

A World Of Queer Artists

Throughout his life, Puglielli surrounded himself with queer artists who share similar views to his own. “People who work in the arts, observe and reflect the world around us. So often that is a space of progressive thinking and positive vision of what the world could and should be.” 

This led to him calling upon the government to provide better support for the queer community through safe spaces and environments. However, he notes that this requires more funding as many of these spaces in Victoria rely solely on volunteers. 

“If we are providing substantial funding to support and provide safe spaces for our queer community, that is when we are truly able to thrive.”

Victorian Greens MP Aiv Puglielli.

‘There’s A Lot Of Work To Do To Build Trust’

Puglielli made it abundantly clear that the work he does will remain visible and accessible to those who elected him to office. “One thing I’d love to do is keep the channel of communication and information as free-flowing as possible so we can rebuild that trust.” 

With a strong social media output, he has utilised his imprint to update his constituents on any news that happens in Parliament. There’s a lot of work to do in building an environment where people feel support from the people in Parliament that were put there on their behalf.”

While this has garnered immense support from LGBTQI people online, Puglielli hasn’t been free from the negativity that comes with being so open. “Look from time to time I will have to use the block feature, that’s the reality of engaging in social media as a politician.” 

However, he has found many ways to handle adversity. “Finding solace in speaking with friends in the LGBTQIA+ community. People who I’m speaking for, speaking with, trying to elevate and protect and empower. That reminds you what the job is.”

Amplifying TGD Voices

Since his election, Puglielli has used his platform to bolster the voices of trans and gender-diverse people on the Parliament floor. “Currently, we don’t have representation for the trans and gender-diverse community in Parliament, so it’s particularly important for our queer MPs to speak up in defence and protection of the community.” 

One such method of protection Puglielli calls for includes expanding anti-vilification laws to provide protection on the basis of gender and sexuality. With the Greens in a balance of power in the upper house allowing them to move legislation through, there’s a clear passage already in place.

While he believes there is support within the community to move forward, speaking out about the violent acts against trans and gender-diverse people in Parliament hasn’t been without its detractors. Though Puglielli refuses to let them silence him. “Those who take issue with what I think is quite a normal worldview of respect and equality for fellow people, are people that I wouldn’t be engaging with much anyway.”

‘We Can’t Afford To Go Backwards’

Puglielli’s advocacy for trans and gender-diverse people has been met with nothing but support from the Greens. “My experience with the party is that we stand unequivocally with trans and gender-diverse people.” He continues, “I hope to see that in every political party within our Parliament, and I think there is still  a long way to go in this state to ensure that this is commonplace.”

This support has also extended across party lines with many of his peers praising his support of trans and gender-diverse communities. Puglielli hopes this means more MPs will stand up and call out hate while using their power to protect and empower members of the trans and gender-diverse community. 

“We can’t afford to go backwards when it comes to equality and inclusion here in Victoria.”

With the LGBTQI community standing together to support each other, Puglielli has some words of wisdom for those looking to follow his lead. “Put your hand up! Work with as much community as you can. If that means you do so through your political party then band together, find common ground to stand on.”

For members of the trans and gender-diverse community who right now feel unsupported, Puglielli wants to let you know that he will continue fighting for your rights and protection. “Trans and gender-diverse people are loved, you are very strong, and I hope to go to bat for you every day as much as I can.”



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