How to look, feel and stay young

How to look, feel and stay young

We all want to look, feel and stay young. That is why the rate of plastic surgery has risen to 1 in 3 Australian women. What if I told you there was a natural way to maintain your youthfulness? Even after going under the knife (or needle) you must look after yourself to maintain your youth.

Every day cells in our body die and are replaced. As we age the new cells are not as good as their predecessors. The process is known as cell degradation. But by ensuring we eat well, exercise and think positively, we can ensure a higher quality of cell is produced, keeping us younger and healthier.

There are a few key elements to eating well, such as a low calorie, high density diet. A great rule is if your grandmother wouldn’t recognise it, don’t eat it. This means eating rawer natural foods that are less processed as it takes more energy for your body to process these foods, meaning you burn body fat while eating. We require good nutritious food high in antioxidants, omega 3 and vitamins, like ones you would find in tea, fruit, vegetables, raw nuts, seeds, berries, olive oil, tomato paste and red wine.

Getting active is most important. Yep, exercise. Increase your heart rate every other day for at least 30 minutes. Find something you enjoy and love. Walk or run and make it an adventure to explore your neighbourhood. Participate in a dance class, try self-defence, join a gym. Even housework and certain bedrooms activities can help. Just make sure your heart rate is elevated for 30 minutes.

Weight resistance training is another activity needed to maintain our youth. Lifting heavy objects in our day-to-day life can help, though a weights routine is needed to ensure an all over effect. Remember to keep it interesting and fun. Find a partner to keep each other motivated­ -” perhaps you could even share a personal trainer.

Activity keeps your body working and moving, which is a vital part of holding on to our youth. It releases endorphins and hormones which make you feel good and it ensures your body is ready for a solid night of sleep.

The way we think is also very important to keep the droopy eyes and frown lines at bay. Positive thought puts you in the best place to take advantage of opportunities. Positive thoughts release the feelgood hormones in our bodies, give you an -˜I can’ mentality and push you through your workout.

If you mentally decide you are too old for something, your body will follow suit.

The message is: when you eat well, exercise regularly and take care of your mental health, you feel good. And when you feel good, you look and act younger.

So what are you waiting for? Grab the next opportunity, get your butt out there moving and as you’re jogging past the store leave the doughnut on the shelf and pick something nutritious for dinner.

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